Our Identity

Monito & Sons Coffee Roasting Co. was established by founders and brothers Adrien and Luis Carlos Sossa to introduce, roast, and serve specialty Colombian coffees grown by marginalized groups such as Afro-Colombian, indigenous peoples, and women. Our focus is to showcase the best coffee in the world, farmed in the heart of Colombia, and to help tell their story to our customers. Monito & Sons has a point to make.

The third founder is our father, Monito, a Renaissance man who now belongs to the stars. Born in the mountains of Boyacá, Colombia, he came to the United States pursuing his love and became an engineer, a husband, a father, and one hell of a soccer coach who moonlighted as a life coach for so many children. We honor him not only by name but also by his principles: Be creative, Be resourceful, Be relentless, Be disciplined, Be inclusive, and LOVE hard.